Book of Isaiah: pg. 3

Written in Palestine about 792-722 B.C. Isaiah is a miniature of the Bible, having 66 chapters corresponding with the 66 books: 39 chapters in the first section dealing with law and judgment, corresponding with the message of the 39 books of the O.T.; 27 chapters in the second section, corresponding with the 27 books of the N.T. both in number and message of comfort and salvation through Christ. The theme of the first section is one of coming judgment upon Israel and captivity because of sin and apostasy; judgment on many Gentile nations; and the latter-day restoration of Israel under their Messiah. The theme of the last section is one of mercy, comfort, and eternal restoration under the Messiah. The purpose of the book is to make God's message clear to Israel; to warn them of judgment for persisting in sin; and to reveal the final dealings of God with them in complete restoration under their Messiah forever (Isaiah 9:6-7; Isaiah 11:10-12; Isaiah 66:22-24).


OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would come to bring Israel back to God.

Isaiah 49:5b

Matthew 15:24
Matthew 10:5-7

The Messiah would be God's servant.

Isaiah 49:6a

John 12:49-50

The Messiah would be a light to the Gentiles.

Isaiah 49:6b

Acts 13:47-48

The Messiah would be despised.

Isaiah 49:7

John 10:20
Matthew 27:22

The Palms of the Messiah would be a witness.

Isaiah 49:16

John 20:25-28

The Messiah would speak with God given knowledge.

Isaiah 50:4

John 12:49
Matthew 7:28-29

The Messiah would not be rebellious to God's will.

Isaiah 50:5

John 12:27

The Messiah's back would be lashed (stripped).

Isaiah 50:6a

Matthew 27:26

The Messiah's face would be beaten and spit upon.

Isaiah 50:6b

Matthew 26:67

The Messiah would not waver from His mission.

Isaiah 50:7

Luke 9:51-53

The Messiah would be justified by His righteousness.

Isaiah 50:8

1 Timothy 3:16
Hebrews 8:32-34

The Messiah would completely trust in God.

Isaiah 50:8-10

John 11:7-10

The Messiah would proclaim the gospel from the mountain tops.

Isaiah 52:7

Matthew 5:1-7:29
John 14:31

The Messiah would be God's servant.

Isaiah 52:13a

John 9:4
John 14:31

The Messiah would be highly exalted by God.

Isaiah 52:13b

Philippians 2:9-11

The Messiah's face would be disfigured from extreme beatings during His trial.

Isaiah 52:14

Matthew 26:67-68
Matthew 27:26-30

The Messiah's blood would be shed to make atonement for all mankind.

Isaiah 52:15

Revelation 1:5

The Messiah's own people would reject Him.

Isaiah 53:1

John 12:37-38

The Messiah would grow up in Nazareth.

Isaiah 53:2a

Matthew 2:21-23

The Messiah would appear as an ordinary man.

Isaiah 53:2b

Philippians 2:7-8

The Messiah would be despised.

Isaiah 53:3a

Luke 4:28-29

The Messiah would be rejected.

Isaiah 53:3b

Matthew 27:21-23

The Messiah would suffer great sorrow and grief.

Isaiah 53:3c

Luke 19:41-42
Matthew 26:37-38

Matthew 27:46

Men would deny association with the Messiah.

Isaiah 53:3d

Mark 14:50-52
Matthew 26:73-74

The Messiah would have a heal many.

Isaiah 53:4a

Luke 6:17-19
Matthew 8:16-17

The Messiah would bear the sins of the world upon Himself.

Isaiah 53:4b

1 Peter 2:24
1 Peter 3:18

Many would think the Messiah to be cursed by God.

Isaiah 53:4c

Matthew 27:41-43

The Messiah would bear the penalty of death for man's sins.

Isaiah 53:5a

Luke 23:33
Hebrews 9:28

Prophecies Table