The ‘Crowns’ on the Dragon and the Scarlet Abyss Beast are chronological symbols (clues) that represent the ‘timing’ of imminent Pre- Great Trib events. The appearances of these crowns are more than just pretty ornamentation; they also have profound chronological significance. In Rev. 12:3, 17:3 and 13:1 we read the following Passages respectively:
In Rev. 12:3 we see imminently ‘prior to’ a period of 1260 days (42 months) the Red Dragon drives the ‘Woman’ Israel into the wilderness. (Rev. 12:6) As such the Red Dragon Satan is pictured here having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. What do these 7 crowns upon the 7 heads mean? The 7 crowns reveal that just prior to the start of the Great Tribulation ALL 7 Kingdoms of the 7 Headed 10 Horned Beast have now been crowned – even the ‘short space’ 7th Kingdom itself that was to come and did not exist in John’s day. (emphasis added)
In addition, Rev. 12:3 also reveals that the 10 Kings had NOT yet at the time of the Red Dragon been crowned and had NOT received their 10 Kingdoms – thus there can be ‘no AC’ at this point because according to Daniel 7:24 the ‘Little Horn’ must rise ‘AFTER’ the crowning of the 10 Kings.
Daniel 7:24
Going forward, in Rev. 17:3 we see a Scarlet Abyss Beast with seven heads and ten horns, however there are no crowns on either the seven heads or the ten horns – the 7 Heads and their crowned Kings have already come and gone by this time. Therefore, this Abyss Beast cannot be the man AC because as stated before the Little Horn AC cannot rise to power until AFTER the crowning of the 10 Kings. Meanwhile, at this point the Great Tribulation has not yet begun because the 10 Horns have not yet been crowned. In Rev. 13:1 we see the Sea Beast which is none other than the Scarlet Abyss Beast of Rev. 17:3 having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns. Here we see that the Scarlet Abyss Beast has received all 10 crowned Kings and therefore the Little Horn can now come into existence. However, it must be noted that in Rev. 13:5 a specific period of time is set forth from this point hence, 42 months or the Great Tribulation has now begun or is imminent. A description of the Scarlet Abyss Beast is recommended. According to Rev. 17:7-11 and 13:3 the Scarlet Abyss Beast has 7 Heads, 10 Horns, once ruled one of the former first 5 Heads of the 7 Headed 10 Horned Beast, was wounded to death and healed, shall ascend from the Abyss, and shall be the King of the 7th and final Empire. Please note this ‘entire’ Scarlet Abyss Beast at one point was ONLY one of the ‘single’ Heads and not the whole Beast itself of the now 7 Headed and 10 Horned Beast. Then, How was this Abyss Beast ‘transformed’ from being only one of the Heads to now becoming the entire body and all of the 7 Headed 10 Horned Beast, including the 8th Head also?
Scripture seems to clarify that the 7 Heads of the Beast are always the ‘same’ 7 Heads (Kingdoms/Kings) no matter where in NT Scriptural passages they may appear – there are no references to 7 Heads in the OT especially with that of Daniel’s ‘Undescript’ 4th Beast. Meanwhile, there is only a direct reference to the 10 Horns in the OT which are to futuristically come or ‘originate from’ Daniel’s 4th Undescript Beast. Therefore, if we interpret Rev. chpt. 12 as literal rather than figurative regarding the Red Dragon Satan pursuing the ‘Woman’, which is most likely by all accounts the nation of Israel, driving her into the wilderness for the 31/2 years of the Great Tribulation (a time, times and a half-time) this is indeed a specific period or allotment of time for an event that has never historically taken place. Moreover, if the Red Dragon has his 7 Heads Crowned, and the 7 Heads are the same 7 Heads defined by Rev. 17:9, this would seem to suggest that the 7th Crowned King/Kingdom had/will have already come into existence by this point but the 10 Horned Kings/Kingdoms had/have NOT.
Therefore, based on this supposition it would be problematic if we assume that the 10 Kings/Kingdoms ‘existed’ as both the defined 10 Horned Kings/Kingdoms of Rev. and Dan., before this specific event and timeframe – there are NO ‘Crowns’ on the 10 Horns of the Red Dragon just 31/2 years prior to the 2nd advent of the coming of Christ at the Battle of Armageddon. Moreover, as per the 10 Horns of the Beast, the ONLY place that we see the 10 Horns as ‘Crowned’ is in Rev. 13:1. (emphasis added)
As such, these Crowned 10 Horns are associated with a direct time reference of ‘42 months’.
In summary, this would seem to indicate that the prophesied 10 Horned Kings/Kingdoms are narrowly defined and limited to an existence of no more than 31/2 years hence, the 8th and final Kingdom of the Abyss Beast/AC and The Great Tribulation. As such, per Dan. 7:24 if the ‘Little Horn’ is to rise AFTER the 10 Kings/Kingdoms then the man AC as a Scriptural Prince or King cannot exist outside of the specified timeframe of the final 31/2 years. However, this does NOT mean he is not alive until the crowing of the 10 Kings but Scripture itself seems to be silent with respect to a ‘benign’ AC. Going forward, when we view Rev. 13:1-7 we see ‘3’ Beasts excluding the Beast Satan himself (Red Dragon). The 1st Beast is a description of the final geographical 7th Kingdom of the 7 Headed 10 Horned Beast. The 2nd Beast is the 7 Headed 10 Horned Scarlet Abyss Beast. The 3rd Beast is the ‘Mouth’ of the first two Beasts – the 7th Kingdom & the Scarlet Beast. The first Beast as the 7th and final Kingdom is described as the following: (emphasis added)
Rev. 13:2
The second Beast as stated is the surrogate 7 Headed 10 Horned Scarlet Abyss Beast which Satan temporarily ‘loans’ his personal Kingdom to for 31/2 years (Great Trib.) – the 7 Headed 10 Horned Kingdom of the Red Dragon. (emphasis added)
Rev. 13:2
The third Beast is the human ‘Mouth’ aka AC/False Prophet of the other two Beasts. It cannot be denied that a ‘Prophet’ is a ‘mouth’ for someone else hence, John the Baptist was the mouth for Jesus, Jesus was the mouth for God, etc., etc. Daniel repeatedly refers to the ‘Little Horn’ as a ‘mouth’. (emphasis added)
Daniel 7:8
Daniel 7:20
Meanwhile, as stated above the Scarlet Abyss Beast is ‘given a mouth’.
Rev. 13:5-6
Therefore, if as I have suggested, the ‘Scarlet Abyss Beast’ is NOT human but actually a satanic angel which will rise from the Abyss as the 8th angelic King of the final 7th Kingdom (formerly one of the angelic Kings of one of the first 5 Heads) then he will need a human representative King hence, a ‘mouth – a false prophet/AC’. When we analyze the geographical 7th Beast Kingdom itself as stated above we see that it has 7 Heads, 10 Horns, is like unto a Leopard, with the feet of a Bear, and the MOUTH of a Lion. Therefore, there were only 2 dominant Kingdoms of the 7 Headed 10 Horned Beast which had the well known symbolic references of a Lion and, they were the Babylonian and Assyrian Empires. To this end, if as Scripture suggest that the man AC will be an Assyrian (Nah.1:11, et. al.) then this human ‘mouth’ (false prophet) will come from the above described geographical ‘mouth’ of John’s descriptive 7th Beast Kingdom – the mouth of a Lion (Assyrian). |