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by: Shalach Ministries |
WHY? We believe in Jesus and are still considered to be Americans. If we narrowly look at your concern in physical terms only, how can one’s belief(s) change their biological and genetic heritage? If you did not believe in any God at all, an atheist, would you then still be a Jew? The answer is an obvious, Yes. Please understand, that believing in Jesus is the next logical progressive step from the Mosaic Law in God’s Plan for the salvation of both the Jew and the Gentile. Jesus was and is a Jew who fulfilled the Mosaic Law through love and His sacrificial death on the cross. This is how He took the Law of Moses out of our way. He simply through love nailed it to the cross and annulled it's penalty so we could have a new start in life before God again. Figuratively, He killed the killer. He crucified the thing that brought guilt and death to all men.
Romans 6:23
2 Corinthians 3:6-7
Ephesians 2:14-16
When mankind disobeyed God and fell from His grace, Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-7), they became separated from God. Thus, having been removed from God’s favor and acceptance and coming under the direct control of Satan, there had to be a way for mankind to become reconciled to God again. Although, there could not be any remission of sin without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). To that end, God instituted animal sacrifices as an instrument for paying the interest on a debt to Satan. However, these blood sacrifices could never fully cancel mankind’s Satanic debt and had to be repeated time and again. There had to be some method of payment that would be equivalent to the value of what Adam and Eve had so freely given to Satan, their eternal souls. In God’s infinite wisdom and mercy He provided the blood of a perfect sacrifice, Yeshua (Jesus) (St. John 3:16). God the Father is in absolute control of all His creation and has a designated plan for all things. His Word will never fail and His timetable of events will become reality. The Jewish people are God’s chosen people through the faith of Abraham and will never be forsaken by Him. Thus, it was unto the Jews that were committed the oracles of God from which came Christianity. However, it is sad to say that most of the Jews today have become like most of the Americans, unbelieving, materialistic, and unwise to the will of their Creator and God. Today there is less than one percent of all Jewish people in the state of Israel who believe in Yeshua and only a small minority who even believe in the Mosaic Law, with the vast remainder being secular or pertaining to this present world, to things not spiritual or holy; relating to temporal as distinguished from eternal interests; not immediately or primarily respecting the soul, but the body; worldly. It is extremely important that you do not rely on this ministry, your Rabbi, or anyone else with regard to your eternal soul. Please search the Scriptures for yourself to ensure that what you hear and believe is correct. In the final analysis it is you and only you who will stand before God to give an account of your faith and the deeds for which you have done in the body while here on this earth. Please pray for the peace of Israel. |