Can a individual believe in Creationism and Evolution at the same time? |
NO. We cannot, and if a person says he/she can then they
are not speaking as someone who has any understanding
of God's Word or will. What are some of the concepts
of evolution?
1. Evolution accepts pagan philosophers in preference
to the triune Godhead and the Bible. If any individual would rather think that earth and all life therein is the result of some mysterious cosmic force that produced all that universally exist, and they themselves progressively developed from a monkey or some other prehistoric creature, with no eternal destiny, may God have mercy on their ignorant souls. True Messianics believe the following:
1. Man was created by God in His image. Science itself has proven that in accordance with the laws of nature that nothing reproduces anything greater than itself. In God's creative acts of Genesis He declares no less than 10 times that everything was to bring forth after its own kind. To that end, no monkey has ever brought forth a man or woman. Cosmic evolution, or the Big Bang Theory, teaches that the universe was created as a result of fragmentary matter following the collision of solar materials. This theory however leaves even more questions unanswered in determining where the solar materials for the big bang originated. The only sensible and rational solution is to believe that a supreme God with all power created all things and this God chooses to communicate with His created beings. Therefore, as the weaker vessels it is incumbent upon us as human beings to search out who God is, what we must do in order to please Him, and what His rewards are for obedience to His Word. |