Book of 1st. Chronicles

The records which make up 1 Chron. and 2 Chron. were written in Palestine, 1279-461 B.C., by scribes and prophets whose duty it was to record events during the time of whatever king or kings they served under. These records were put into one book by the final author or authors. The book was divided into two by the Septuagint translators about 294-289 B.C. If written by Isaiah and Ezra in its final form the book was compiled about 743-683 B.C. and 546-461 B.C.  First Chronicles is a genealogical background of Israelite leaders and of the coming Messiah, and a history of the kingdom of Judah and of the ancestors of Jesus Christ, according to the flesh. The Hebrew name for Chronicles is dibrey hayamim , words of the days. The Greek name, Paraleipomena, means things omitted. It is from the Latin name Chronicon that we get our word Chronicles. The Hebrew meaning is literally "the daily acts or occurrences," a title originally applied to the accounts of the reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah. Afterward, Chronicles was applied to the book taken from these narratives.


OT Scripture

NT Fulfillment

The Messiah would come from the lineage of Judah.

1 Chronicles 5:2

Luke 3:23-33

The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.

1 Chronicles 17:11-12a

Luke 3:23-31

The Messiah's kingdom would be eternal.

1 Chronicles 17:11-12b

Luke 1:32-33

The Messiah would be the Son of God.

1 Chronicles 17:13-14

Matthew 3:16-17

John 12:28-30

Prophecies Table