In an attempt to try and arrive at some equitable and reasonable understanding as to just when Jesus the Messiah actually appeared on the historical prophetic scene, in accordance with Daniel’s Prophetic Time Clock we submit the following body of evidence. Please review the following applicable OT Passage that will be used as the premise for this argument.
3:1 What we see in the above Scripture is an OT prophecy by Malachi declaring to the Jews that their coming ‘Messenger of the Covenant Messiah’ would be ‘preceded’ by a prophetic ‘Messenger’ (John the Baptist). Therefore, the Messiah would come without delay (Hebrew pith'owm – straightway/immediately) after the preaching of John the Baptist. This prophecy was later confirmed and reiterated by Jesus Himself when He proclaimed to the Jews in Matt. 11:10, Mark 1:2 and Luke 7:27 the following:
Matthew 11:10
Moreover, when we read the first chapter of the Gospel of John we find that John’s purpose and mission to the Jews and Israel was to ‘REVEAL’ the coming Messiah.
John 1:31
John 1:32
Luke 3:23 Please take a moment and re-read Chapter 1 of the Gospel of John and look at John’s formal declaration and revelation to Israel of the coming prophesied Messiah Jesus. If we substitute Malachi’s 3:1 description for the Messiah as the – Messenger of the Covenant – into both Daniel 9:25-26 it will reflect more light upon ‘The Confirmed Covenant’ of Daniel 9:27.
9:25-26 Returning to Malachi 3:1, we need to focus on the transliterated English word ‘to’, as highlighted above, in this particular passage. In Hebrew, the actual word is ěŕ or AL (EL). As such, we must look at all of the available definitions for this Hebrew word of concern. The transliterated word AL (EL) can literally mean the following To, On, With, In, or From: taken from http://www.rashiyomi.com/gramr-33.htm
Why are these acceptable alternative meanings important? If we apply the two alternative meanings of In or With regarding the passage of Malachi 3:1 we have the following results:
Malachi 3:1 Now what we see in the above passage is a fulfillment of what Jesus declared regarding the ‘Temple of His Body’ in John 2:19-21 & Mark 14:58.
2:19-21 |